Here's the cast for You Can't Take It With You!
Penelope Sycamore--Karen Dubret
Essie Carmichael--Kristen Swanson
Rheba- Ellen Herman
Paul Sycamore--Christopher "Thad" Kilpatrick
Mr. De Pinna--Jeffery Gatlin
Ed Carmichael--Anthony Fazzio
Donald- Anthony Levine
MartinVanderhof--Jim Winter
Alice Sycamore--Kayln Vallot Haughn
Wilber C. Henderson--Brad Michelli
Tony Kirby--Quinton Williams
Boris Kolenkhov—Logan Watts
Gay Wellington--Emma Schillage
Anthony W. Kirby--Michael Dubret
Miriam Kirby—Dayne Commander
G-Man 1--Bode McDaniel
G-Man 2--Sorin Gonzalez
G-Man 3--Kayla Ruiz
APRIL 25 & 26 | 7:30 p.m. G-Man 4--LaZarus McKay
MAY 2ND & 3RD | 7:30 p.m. G-Man 5—Alexander Greenhouse
MAY 4TH | 2:30 p.m. Grand Duchess Olga Katrina--Emma Schillage